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What to Expect

Where do I go?

We meet in The Storehouse building directly opposite the Shearwater Hotel. Just come on in and you will find some friendly faces usually gathered near the coffee dock.


Should I wear anything special?

You are more than welcome to get dressed up, but we are a very casual church so please come in whatever you are comfortable in.


What about children?

Our Sunday service begins with all the family being together for a time of welcome and singing, after which we run 3 separate programmes for children. Our Early Years programme is for Toddlers to Preschoolers and our Sunday School caters for all children in Primary School. Children can expect interactive Bible stories, crafts and  games . Our Youth meet in the Upper Room upstairs during the Sunday service and can enjoy quality time learning God's Word together and partaking in activities to become more connected. 


*Please note that all adults volunteering with children and young people are Garda vetted and Child Protection trained.


Will I have to take part in any way?

As our guest, please feel free to pick a seat and relax. If you want to follow what is being said, there are some Bibles on the bookshelf. When the offering bag comes around, please don't feel under any obligation to give. Obviously we want you to feel welcome but this will involve nothing more than the people next to you saying hello.

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